I've been thinking of ABE LINCOLN

So I had the best weekend of my life. I went to Logan, Utah and saw my very very best friend Lori! I missed her so much and seeing her was so amazing.. I cant believe I have even survived the past two weeks without her. Its all thanks to my loving boyfriend Mitchell tho. He had the great idea of going up for Labor day and visiting her, and seeing his old houses, and floating the canal! It was the best trip ever. I made the voyage with Mitchell, Junior, Stefan, and Wesley. I was alot of fun, sometimes a little loud and at moments there was tons of horseplay. But I love them all anyways. We left at 3:30 am friday morning and we got to logan at 11 am Lori was in class until 3:20 so we went shopping and ate, and joked around for a bit. Then I ran to lori's apartment and gave her a huge hug. We went to an 80s themed dance and it was SO MUCH FUN. there was like a MILLION people there and it was HOTT and SWEATY. the best kind of dancing! EVER. Saturday we woke up and went to the Villiage Inn for breakfast, and then we headed off to the canal which was in IDAHO. Caprice, who let us stay at her house which was sooo nice of her!!, has family who lives up in Idaho who had tubes and such. So we went tubing down the canal. Probably the funnest thing I have ever experience in my life so far. Caprices grandpa threw cow pies at us as we floated by and Junior crashed and burned at the waterfall. It was really fun, and kind of dangerous. Then we just hung out the rest of the time, sunday we went to church and finally broke down and went to the golden corral for dinner. After that we just sat around watching movies and hangin out. The whole trip was a blast, and I only cried once, and not in front of lori, and only for 30 minutes....ish. It's so sad leaving her there because i want her to have everything she can and do well and all that jazz and its just hard leaving her. BUT i know she will do fine. SHE ALWAYS does! Thats all!!!
Sweet 80's gear! I'm glad that you had a fun time in Utah with your friends. But we did totally miss you at the cabin!!!!!