Sometimes sundays are really good. Other times, sunday's are really hard. I mean sitting alone at church is the worst. I don't sit with my young womens leaders because I am trying to move away from that. I want to sit with people from relief society but I don't know anyone. It's hard to get to know people in relief society because I am so young. I really wish tho, most of all, that I had a calling. Because then it would give me something to always look forward to.
I made my first side dish, cherry salad suprise. It went over really well at pioneer days it was one of the first dishes gone! I had a lot of fun at pioneer days, Mitch came and hung out with me, Stefan and Junior showed up too! After pioneer days we went to Danielles house and went swimming, Kayla and I and we met this guy named Colby Evans. He is a pretty cool kid, and he is going on his mission to AFRICA! It's awesome.
Other than that I have just been hanging out, still looking for a new job, hoping to find something soon. I love the DI don't get me wrong, it's tons of fun. On friday we had BLACK FRIDAY, because one of the other employees Tyrone was leaving so we wore black because he loved the color black. It was a lot a lot of fun! We took picutres and all that fun stuff. We went and saw batman again last night its such a good movie!! We went out to the red rock there were four couples. It was a big group and that just made it ten times better! we took some pictures and here they are. out of the whole night i didn't get one picture with mitchell. kind of sad. BUT sometimes it happens. OH yeah and since he already knows. I am making him a quilt. I have never sewn before but i think it's going to turn out ok... Well I hope it does. It's going to be pretty intense. I will take pictures of it when it's finished!

top picture: the boys holding hands on the way to the movies... they are just weirdos! :D
2nd picture: the group of girls at d.i. who were working on the sales floor that day
3rd picture:more of the boys and girls working on the sales floor at d.i.
4th picture: more of the boys and girls working in small as is and in the yard at d.i.
5th picture: me kayla and danielle laughing our butts off after swimming..
Hey! Why don't you go to a singles ward now? I think you wouldn't feel as out of place there. I know I hated going to Relief Society in my home ward after I graduated. It made it much better to go with a bunch of people my own age, or at least they were a whole lot closer. Keep on truckin you are AMAZING!