Quilt Making and Dog Grooming
Of course today was a fun day. Why wouldn't it be?! It was SUNDAY! I woke up this morning and started my work on emily's fabuolous quilt! I finished the face of it. It's 10 squares by 10 squares and its insanely huge!!! I love it tho. Tomorrow I should finish some of it. Not all of it. I am leaving the tieing of the quilt until tuesday, unless i get EXTRA board. I will post pictures when it's done!!
So today my mom decided she was going to groom Auzzie because she bites at the groomers and she wont let them touch her. So she went out and bought a razor and did it! She did a pretty good job. She said she clipped her ear and gave her razor burn on her back legs but other than that she is fine!!! What a trooper. Jordan came over and held the leash for my mom, because I went to church. BTW I went to Singles Ward. I was expecting SOMEONE to say Hi to me, just maybe. But nope I sat on a pue ALONE, one of the long ones too. PLENTY of room for people to sit down, and they all just sat around me. not by me. When sacrament was over I stood up and looked around and probably stood there for a good 5 minutes. I probably should have asked someone or went up to someone, but normally when you look new people walk up to you. right? nope nothing. So after sacrament I left and went home. I was going to drive to a park and study for a bit but my gas light came on.Jordan got her new puppy DAIZY today and she is soo cute! I hope she is a good little mut for Ross and Jordan because they don't like bad puppies! Then again who does? Right?!
Tomorrow I am going to call the people from the Salt City Candle Store and hopefully get the job there and be able to work there instead of the DI. I will miss the DI but I wont at the same time. I will still come and visit lots!! :D Anyways I go and declare my major at school tomorrow, DEAF STUDIES. So so so exciting, hopefully they will have my book there too! My mom is paying for those books so I don't feel guilty! lol LOVE IT!!!!!

mom and jordan shaving the WAD. she looks so happy!!

after getting shaved!!

carter eating his cheetos!!

me and Daizy the newest addition to our family! my little neice!!

Lori and Kayla and I at the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 movie! It was sooooo good! It made me cry!! TWICE!
i look disgusting! dah! seriously..what happened. haha