Things I Learned From General Conference: October 2014 Edition

There were a lot of things that I learned from General Conference the past two weekends. (I'm counting the Women's broadcast as well) I didn't feel like this conference was one of those bind-blowing events for me. Even though I prepared for it, maybe not the best I could, but I did fast and pray. However, I think it will become more important to me as I go through my notes and see the key things I wrote down. This might be a super long post, just warning you.

Women's Broadcast

Consistent correct choices bring us never-ending happiness.
The gospel is an individual thing, covenants help us to know who we really are. - I felt like this was something that was stressed a lot throughout all of conference was how individual the gospel really is, and how important it is for us to see it that way.
Go to the temple!
Drop your plans, and pick up God's plan.
*Memorize the Living Christ - This was something I felt like I should do after listening to Neil F. Marriot's talk.
Your divine origin doesn't guarantee your divine exaltation.
Once you better understand the commandments, you will better understand yourself.

Saturday AM Session

Christ's sacrifice erases our guilt. - I want to learn more about this. I often get horrible thoughts in my head of my past actions, and I don't want them to be there anymore. I've been trying to get rid of them, but it isn't easy. I guess I just need a better focus on the sacrifice of the Savior for me.
Stop trying to please others before pleasing God you are accountable to God first, then others.
A way to forget your guilt and sins is to focus on the sacrament.
Resenting the law of gravity won't keep you from falling off the edge of a cliff. Defend against not working for eternal life. - Another key point from conference was priorities. Where are your priorities? Are you working hard or hardly working?

Saturday PM Session

Banish hateful communications. Kindness is powerful.
Opposition against the things of God sends seekers of truth to their knees with questions.
Pray every morning and night.
Read more books, watch less TV. - I think this plays into my goal to read as many books as I am old, every year.
Selective obedience brings selective blessings.
Acknowledge and face your weaknesses, because some of them will be your companions your entire life. - This made me think about how my weakness are currently things that used to be my strengths. I hope to be able to overcome them, but some things will be with us longer than we hope. That is why we need to acknowledge them and face them with faith.
There are no signs that God doesn't love you.
Follow the Savior.
Serve within your reach.
All who are physically able are asked to observe the law of the fast.
I may not be my brother's keeper, but I am my brother's brother.
The only way to find lasting peace is to rely on the Savior. - I was with my friend Dallin last night and we were talking about how sometimes life is really hard. I asked him why he thought that was and he said something along the lines of, "We are trying to become like God, that's not an easy thing. There is no reason it should be easy, becoming like him is meant to be difficult." Which is why we have to rely on our Savior. I however, had even more questions when it came to that. How do I rely on him? How do I get to know him better? I feel like I answered my own questions in our conversation because I started to testify of the power the temple had to help me see the Savior in a more intimate way. As my redeemer and older brother.
Overcome challenges with the spirit of sacrifice. - I think it's interesting that the missionary adage, of losing yourself in the work, applies to anyone at any stage in their life.

Sunday AM Session

Personal revelation, we need it, and not just a flash of light, but a steady stream.
Don't be quite about your love for the prophet.
The ways of the Lord are different from the ways of man.
Recognize the beauty of the earth. - Looking at this now, it makes me think even more about how much I love nature and being outside, yet I am consistently inside. I need to change that.
Focus on the sacrament.
The most important event in time and eternity is the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Decisions determine destiny.
No other choice can make us what he can.

Sunday PM Session

Stay in the boat! Always wear a life jacket. Hold on with both hands.
We were meant to be tried, tested and stretched.
Prayer, as you include him your heart will feel peace and help you to manage your challenges from an eternal perspective. - My next lesson I teach in relief society is on prayer. I need to get better at it so that I can have a stronger testimony to share.
Study the word of God. - Dallin asked me if I had kept my promise with President Calderwood to read The Book of Mormon everyday for the rest of my life. Sadly, I haven't. But that changes today.
Recognize your priorities, dedicate time every day to study and you will have peace.
Challenges are an important part of mortality. - What I am going through right now is important. It is important that I slow down and learn from what is happening in my life. I want so badly for this part of my life to be over and to move on, but one day I will have a different trial, and might want this back.
Family Home Evening.
Go to the temple often.
As we get closer to God, Satan will want to harm us more, but he will have less power to do so.
Consider your options with the end in mind.
Are you just comfortable?
We need to, from time to time, consider something better. - This was a little confusing for me. Because I can't decide if I'm just staying here in Vegas because I feel obligated to, or because I really want to. It feels like I should stay, but then I think that maybe I'm not considering anything better? I have no idea.
Frequent small corrections are better than sudden large corrections.
Serving others helps us keep our baptismal covenants.
Embrace the current of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ask sincere questions, and get divine answers.
We must never think that our actions effect only us.
Members of the church share the gospel because of how it effects our lives.


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