Happiness Project - Resolutions

I'm kind of going out of order, but thought I would at least post SOMETHING today. I'm still looking for visions to put before my resolutions, but I've been getting ideas for resolutions throughout the day.

Regular Exercise - Running 3 times a week
24 Books in my 24th year. I've decided this would be a cool goal to have the rest of my life, since I love reading. That means by the time I'm 30 I will have read 189 books! I think it's a great idea.
No gossiping
No negative comments
Kill addictive habits
Go outside, a bi-weekly hike
$200 from each paycheck into savings
Hang out with my nephews and niece
Family History

These are just some ideas that I've been thinking of, not concrete but definitely a step in the right direction.

What are some resolutions or goals that you have for yourself?


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