Journal Entry: 02/23/12

Journal Entry: 02/23/12

Today I went to work as normal. I listened to a comedy sketch by John Bytheway in the car, and laughed. He is so funny. It reminds me of the time when I was able to go to a fireside and hear him speak live. That was one of my bucket-list items. Another bucket-list item is to meet Sheri Dew, man I love her.

Today I learned a little something. I learned that I am as good as my thoughts. For lent, (I know, I'm not catholic but I like to observe lent anyways) I gave up gossiping, and talking bad about people. I found myself getting so frustrated with people and just wanting to vent. I couldn't vent though, because me "venting" was just the same as me gossiping. But, I did it in my mind, and that is just as bad as doing it out-loud. I need to have kinder thoughts, and that is going to take time. LOTS of time. No one, (besides Jesus) has come to earth and been perfect. We all have our follies, and our shortcomings. But those can be overcome with time. Patience is a virtue, and real and true virtue. I just wish I had more of it.

My Mom is really the greatest Mom ever. She helps me so much in all that I do. She is always there for me and will never leave my side. She might not agree with all that I do, but I know that if all else fails I can go to her. The same is true with my Dad. My Dad has taught me how to work hard, and when I cut corners I think of him, and think of what he would say. "It's easier if you do it right the first time." I'm glad I have the parents I have, and I would never wish for anyone different.

Life is good. Life is hard, but it is good. I am preparing for my mission, and making strides toward being a better person. I am having fun being who I am, but I need to get out more. I don't hang out with friends very often, because I work so much. I also just love to be with my family (who are my friends too!). I know that this last month will be hard, but if I surround myself with the right people, I will make it. It's going to be the adventure of a life time!



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