The Way It Is

You might not believe that I didn't take a shower today, but...

That's the way it is.

You would think that I'm smarter than I am and that I would be able to draw a mustache on the correct side of my finger..
But I can't...

So I learn from my mistakes...

That's the way it is.

You may think that while I was taking these pictures my Dad set a box of dried up wet wipes in my room, and you would be right.

Because that's the way it is.

You, dear reader, might be waiting to hear about how I got my tickets in the mail to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional..

Well now you know that I did!

That's just the way it is!

Of course you are thinking that this is a really funny face. You are so smart...



  1. Oh my gosh Shelby you make me laugh so hard! I don't think I would draw on the right side of my finger either.

  2. Your faces are priceless. I wish you would have got dads face too. I know it would have been good when he released you where taking pictures of yourself in the bathroom.

  3. iM pretty sure I would have drawn it wrong too.

    ARE you taking temple prep???

  4. I'm going to start taking it. That's just the booklet for my tickets for the Devotional.

  5. I love you Shelby. Like...seriously. Especially your mustache pictures.

  6. You are hilarious.

    Love the mustache and I am jealous about the devotional! I wish I could go.

  7. LOL- I love it. Dried up wet wipes. haha!

  8. We got ticket to the Christmas Devotional too! I've never been before so I am excited. Maybe we will see you there among the 50,000 other people :)


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