T-Bag Essence

Currently, I have spent every night this week watching Prison Break. Have you ever seen that show? It is super intense, and I scream and yell, and hide my face. Mainly because of it's intensity (why else? DUH). I just, I don't even know how to explain it. Last episode someone got electrocuted with an iron in a bath-tub while drowning.. then T-Bag (the nasty rapist character) ripped off his hand and is now holding his ex-girlfriend and her children hostage. Those aren't even main points, those are just side notes. It really is a great show. Plus, the people I watch it with make it fun, because they, like me, enjoy talking through TV shows like commentary. It is fantastic.

The other day I got a gym pass. It is awesome. I went to Zumba yesterday, and today I went to Cycle class. I don't like Cycle class but Zumba is pretty fun. My arms still hurt from Zumba so I mainly worked out my legs today, which could have been a horrible thing since I have to go clean the stairs of an apartment building right now. Oh well, either way I am making progress to my goal of getting healthy. I want to be really healthy, but still eat what I like, and I want to have muscle. My goal is to shape up, and gain 10 pounds of muscle. I wouldn't mind being at a solid 140 or 135. I weigh 125 right now. I don't want to be stocky, I just want to be able to hold my own. You know???

I have been reading in the Book of Mormon for my scripture study, in 1st Nephi. I would love to compare to Nephi, he is such a great example of goodness. He is strong, and knowledgeable, and he knows that he is only that way because of the Lord, which in turn makes him humble. I don't get how Lamen and Lemuel can just go so quickly from bad to good. They have seen angels, and heard the voice of the Lord booming in their ears. The miracles they have seen should carry them through, but they still sin horribly and make very poor decisions. It happened then, and it happens now, I have been close to giving up on things before, and I have given up on very important things entirely. So, I guess I know where they are coming from, but that doesn't justify anything.

So, all in all, my week has been great!! I am excited for Saturday because my roommate, the pregnant one that is high and drunk all the time, she is getting kicked out. I hope her baby fairs well in the world, and that she learns something about life, and makes something of herself.

The End!


  1. i havent even heard of prison break. what is it? hah dont judge ok?

  2. Bahaha I love that you talk through TV shows. I totally do the same thing!! It's the best way to watch television, seriously.

  3. Ross loves that show too. I think it is gay. But hey I'm glad you are enjoying


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