I Am A Lame Human- Being

I just decided officially a couple of moments ago, that I'm not doing the whole Yoga thing anymore. It's not something I REALLY want, it was just something to do. Also, I don't have 2,250 dollars and even with the contest, I'd hate to go against people who actually want it and are striving for it. Not people like me who just want it so they can add it to their bucket list.

I'm not sure what I am going to do with my life.

So, for all of you who placed bets seeing if I would actually go threw with this one....



  1. Just do whatever the freak you want and don't worry about what other people want you to do. Who gives a crap if you change your mind a lot. You are the best you and don't forget it dudey face. Love you no matter what you do-
    Your favorite sister
    The Fetus


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