What I Will Do With My Life

Last night I had a conversation with two people whom I adore. It got me thinking about life, and about what my goals are. As many of you may know, I hate school with a passion. I feel like, I could learn more, and have more fun if I were a wanderer, or a gypsy or something. I hate being tied down to one thing, like a school, or a gym. You will never see me buy a gym pass again. Why you ask? It makes me from then on feel obligated to do something. I am the type of person who would rather pay the 10 dollars a week for a class, because then I am not OBLIGATED to go. Isn't that such an ugly word?
Ew. Just looking at it makes me want to barf in my hoodie. (If I were wearing one) I wouldn't call myself a "free spirit" because I like stability in other places. Like, a job, friends, my relationship with God. Things of that nature. That is one reason I couldn't be a real wanderer though, because I would be even more broke then I already am. I think the thing that attracts me to that lifestyle is that, you have endless opportunities on every single scale of life.

I could... learn to be a lifeguard (save a life) become a security officer (protect the people).. and so on. You get the picture though, don't you? I applaud all of you lovely people out there that are going to school and are so passionate about that ONE THING that you can attend class after class after class. YOU are the bomb. I, however, am not like you. I am different. I am special, (my Mama always said I was special!) I need something different in my life, every day. So, without further ado I am going to make a list (oh how I love to make lists) you could call it a bucket list, but it's more of a To Do list for me.

- Be a yoga teacher
- Learn to rock climb
- Go to a writing fair (again)
- Take a class on sewing (preferably from Natty-Nat haha)
- Take a photography class
- Be someone's wedding photographer
- Get photoshop on my computer
- Design my own webpage
- Paint a masterpiece
- Take a financing class
- Learn Spanish
- Take more sign language classes
- Make a short film
- Join a book club
- Play Lacrosse
- Take a cooking class
- Take a baking/pastry class
- Travel abroad for work
- Be a secretary in a law firm
- Work at a daycare
- Volunteer in a different country
- Learn to play the guitar
- Take a class about Fashion
- Learn to fish
- Hike Mount Timpanogos
- Run a 10K
- Raise money for cancer research by doing a walk-a-thon (be in charge of the walk-a-thon)
- Teach Piano to little children
- Sing in a state-wide choir (even though I have a horrible voice.)
- Learn how to cut hair
- Learn how to fix a car
- Build a motorcycle
- Fly an airplane
- Sky-dive

Those are all the things I can think of right now. I know that at some point I will achieve them all. You better believe it. I am just going to do them. I will learn a lot, don't you think?? If you have any other ideas as to what I could do, add them to my list. Leave a comment and I will update it! Seriously, I am dead serious about this, this is my life we are talking about here!


  1. The only reason I go to school is to make more money.... If it were up to me I wouldn't go to school or work. Sadly, that is not the case.

    I love your list, it is all kinds of awesome :D

  2. I love your list. I now feel as if I want to make one.

    Things to add? Um...i have nothing at the moment. Your list is pretty stellar. If I do get any ideas I will come back and share them with you!


  3. I love this list. I have a very similar one (even though I have a crazy full time job and I'm going back to school soon) because I think it is important to step outside of the box as well as have a steady job. If I didn't need money I would totally be a gypsy. Love this. & you. I can't wait to hear about these adventures!

  4. Your list is amazing and I love how you want to do so many things in life! I, too, hate going to school. I find it boring and tying myself to it sucks. I only go because I know I need to go get a job I want.

    I can't wait o hear about when you begin to conquer your list!


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