Nevada Pride

I was having a hard time thinking up something to write for my post today, because there is so much to say. I don't want to overload you with information on anything so I think I will just stick to my very delightful find that I have come across. Something I never noticed before.

When I lived in Utah over the summer I realized how much I really love nature. I love the tons and tons of trees, the carefree wild grass that comes out of the cracks on the sidewalk, everything. I especially loved driving over the ridge of the mountain and down into Bear Lake. It was incredible to be able to go there whenever I pleased. Even though, we only went once. More then that I remember hiking to the top of the wind caves and looking out on the vast expanse of trees and mountains. I love mountains. Really, I love to go to the beach but I am a mountain girl through and through. Standing on the top of a hill and feeling the cold breeze through my hair is like heaven on earth.

What I never realized... is how beautiful the mountains are right here in Nevada. Of course the view is different more brush then tall pines, but it is goregous. I got out of my car at work today and just stood to look at the suns rays beaming down on the jagged cliffs of the mountains and I fell in love. I love the days when I get to drive far for work because that means I get to drive along side the rocky red mountains and admire what beautiful colors come so naturally to the sides of them. Have you ever taken a moment to stop and appreciate the red that the earth creates? Or even that soft cappaccino color that the rocks are. It's so crisp, so rugged.

It might not be the soft green leaves of Utah, or the blue brown rivers. It might not even have the beautiful orange red color that comes from the southern Utah. BUT, it's mine. It's vibrant red, and prickely green cacti, it's a deep blue color from a distance and an expanse of colors up close, it's everything I love, and it is gorgeous.


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