
I'm sitting in my room watching Gilmore Girls burning a Bamboo candle and letting every old feeling come back into my heart. It is rushing through my heart and my veins, my eyes are watery and I am getting that feeling in my nose and up my forehead, that feeling that makes you want to cry. A tear is trickling down my face and the scent of Salt City Bamboo is burning my cheeks. There is no way that this moment can get any better, except if my heart wouldn't have this stinging pain.

Gilmore Girls takes me back to when times where better, when things were rough, and when things flew me above the clouds. You know when you watch a movie or a TV show long enough and you become accustom to the characters and their lives become part of your life? You learn from their mistakes and remember their fondest memories, their heartaches become your heartaches. Not that you ever will REALLY experience those things...

My heart is hurting, but I can't help it, this candle smells so good. So familiar. So much like love I can't even help it. Even though it makes me sad a lot of the time, I really just want this scent to sink into my pillows and all of my clothes. So I can always carry it with me, everywhere I go. I know it seems like I am hanging onto everything, I am, but I am also moving forward into this stage of finding a new love. Just a new way to look at it. I'm not crazy... Please know that. Why do I have to defend myself? This is my blog. YOU don't know me. Do you? Now, I am having a conversation with no one.

I'm done


  1. Since I've been watching GG's so much lately I'm always thinking and talking like Rory and Lorelai!


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