notice the hand.....
So your probably wondering what this picture is about. In the words of my sister Emily...

"So, What had happened was...."

I was watching my second cousion Jake today, he had to write a birthday card for his teacher. So I helped him to write his letters. He forgot what some of the letters looked like, and the closest thing to paper near me was my hand so I started to write the letters on my hand. After I was done helping him I put the card in the bag and got it all ready for him to leave. Then I looked down at my hand, and oh my goodness, it says SINGLE! Wait, no... not quite... but SO CLOSE! It is missing the I and the E. But it was so close and so ridiculous that it would spell out that word I just had to tell you. CRAZY! It's like the world of spelling knew that I was single, it just didn't know how to spell it. Or, it was being gangster and decided to spell it SNGL! CRAZY
I know it's weird that I thought of it that way, but honestly, when you have nothing else on your mind. WHAT CAN YOU DO?!?!

Ok so I have this Friend, let's call him Frank. Frank is a good friend, I love Frank. SOMETIMES. He just never has done the whole being open thing very well with me. I am an open person, once I trust you, I will tell you. It might be a downfall sometimes, but honestly, it helps in relationships. Frank knew nothing about relationships. (SAD DAY) Anyways, he has totally fallen from the map! Frank is gone!! It is really starting to piss me off. (sorry bout the foul language) One day we were friends and everything was hunky -dory then, BLAM!#@!@**! he is gone. He doesn't text back, or call, or even read my blog! (which is a sin bytheway, good thing your reading...:D) None of my other friends ever talk about him, and they always dance around the subject like it's a bomb or something. WHAT THE CRAP? Did I not get the memo that Frank was not talking to me anymore? I mean, I know I don't have FB anymore but srsly... He could have at least told someone, to tell someone, to tell me. I mean gossip is of the devil, but sometimes it comes in handy. So if you are ever going to stop being my friend, tell someone, to tell someone, to tell me. kthanksbye

***sidenote to the sidenote***
So, in institute we were reading in Hosea and Hosea married Gomer, who was a harlot. If anyone else ever calls me a harlot I will change my name to Gomer.
So I in the end I am still SNGL, and let me tell you, the Singles Ward is scarce. I have met some really cool people, but no one is standing out to me. Last week in relief society we talked about finding Mr.Right, and being Mrs. Right. I decided I might not get married for like 10 years, so I will just have to blog and be awesome by myself. Which is srsly no big. I mean who needs another person when you have me?! haha

I went to Yoga class last night, and it is the best thing ever. I am so sore right now, but it was worth it. I loved it. She sprayed this mist in the room and set the mood with awesome Yoga music, then we worked out. We were calm, then tigers, then warriors, and alligators. I'm not frontin' either, I am serious. It was so much fun. I have NO BALANCE and I am not flexiable at all, but like I was telling my friend Wes earlier today... I think I am willing to try anything once, as long as it wont kill me. I need to keep that attitude. It was fun,and good for my health so I call it a WIN-WIN.

Tomorrows feature is non exsistent and the moment, but hey it's only 1:53 in the afternoon. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Oh yeah, and if you haven't noticed I have taken on this new attitude. Life is great, and I am awesome. I'm not being cocky though, you have to understand that. I am trying to see myself for the good things in me, while working on the other things. There are a lot more other things, but the good things are big things. So, COMMENT, tell me what you think, tell me one thing you LOVE about yourself, and get one complaint out for the day. BECAUSE we all do it. :D LOVE YOU!


  1. FIRST!!!! look your blog is gonna end up like lauren's and everyone's gonna race to be the first to comment..ok so your post is awesome! love the letter thing that's glad you did yoga..your FF is not nonexistant anymore..i know who it is and i must say i think its gonna be the best one yet..bahahahaha..anyways..if frank is who i think he is than 1. he's a gay face for not talking to you but its his life and him not talking to you is only sad for him (true story) and 2. frank does read your blog so watch out! i've told you this before but i don't think you believe me..i promise he does tho...anyways ok..on to the challengy thingy at the end

    I love that i've finally figured out how to be goal oriented!! No fast food for 2 months and still going strong!!!

    My complaint is that professors are idiots!

    can't wait till tonight! LOVE YOU!

  2. BTW!! what the freak is FB?

    "I know I don't have FB anymore but srsly"

    I have come up with possible solutions...

    Foot Bacteria
    Fruit Baskets
    Funny Blogs (just kidding they are funny)
    Foul Breath
    Fatty Blisters
    Fish Bait
    Funeral Bandanas
    Funky Bananas

    K I give up just tell me.

  3. fb = FACEBOOK, silly! :D

    shelby, i love your optimism. those lessons always made me depressed (the ones about mr. right) FINDING, or TRYING to find, mr. right doesnt work...he has to find you. the easiest way he can do that is if youre doing the things you need to. so you go girl!

    "so if you are ever going to stop being my friend, tell someone, to tell someone, to tell me" (lol, you make me laugh)

    i think its funny how you use the phrase "sad day" (i do too, when someone tells me bad news its not "im sorry to hear that" its "AWW, SAD DAY!" also, happy day)

    thats so cute you were helping your second cousin with his HW...youre going to be a great mommy. p.s. second cousin is your cousin's kid right? because i was adopted by my aunt & uncle and their kids somewhat became my "siblings" i tried figuring out what their kids were to me...i also discovered that a cousin-once-removed is your cousins cousin on the other side! cool huh? well, good day!

  4. Oh girl I feel ya!! On EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID!! We are like twins or something. I love your new outlook on life!!!! That my friend is the way to go!!!!K so I love that I have big boobs. Ya i know TMI but truly! They are my saving grace most days. no lies.
    And my complaint for teh day...
    Love love love ya!

  5. How am I supposed to think of something to gripe about when I'm still laughing about THIS?

    "So, in institute we were reading in Hosea and Hosea married Gomer, who was a harlot. If anyone else ever calls me a harlot I will change my name to Gomer."


  6. I am pretty.
    I don't sleep good at night.

  7. I love Jordan.. yes your sister jordan. And you of course!

    So i was thinking that the "SNGL" on your hand could easily be taken as SNL as well.. i mean hello TYPO maybe!!!???? And we all know that SNL is HILARIOUS. and maybe its just because the letter world is telling you, you need a good Laugh! SO YOUTUBE some skits:]

    One thing i love about me: I love that i DON"T have kankles.. cuz that would suck!

    Complaint: I'm freaking losing my voice!

  8. do I know frank? girl.. let me tell you, guys will do that. after dating jake for two years, its been almost a year since.. and i've probably been on 2 dates. yes 2.

    you're amazing, franks obviously lame.

  9. Yeah, I don't like the sound of this Frank fellow, but I do think the name Gomer is quite lovely!


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