THE GREAT EIGHT : Stolen from Kacey :D

8 Favorite TV shows...
1. Jon & Kate plus 8
2. gilmore girls
3. bones
4. dog the bounty hunter
5. redneck weddings
6. what not to wear
7. project runway
8. the rachel zoe project

8 Favorite Restaurants...
1. Mcayos
2. PF Changs
3. Claim Jumper
4. teriakyi madness
5. The Olive Garden
6. del taco
7. austins steak house
8. Cappriotis

8 things that happened yesterday... (SUNDAY... it was more interesting :D)
1. watched conference
2. helped mitchs mom and sister cook
3. played with jeremiah
4. got beat at go fish by garrett
5. made mitchells dad laugh
6. got scratched by mitchell and now i have a scar
7. carried a HUGE boulder outside
8. said family prayer @ mitchells

8 things to look forward to...
1. being married hahahahaha
2. setting up halloween stuff
3. seeing blake shelton and miranda lambert
5. moving to logan
6. mitchell leaving and then COMING HOME! :D
7. going to the cabin for thanksgiving
8. seeing carter

8 things I love about Fall...
1. Leaves changing color
2. Decorations
3. Soup
4. Pumpkin Pie
6. Cooler weather
8. that means that winter is soon the spring then summer then FALL and im in LOGAN!

8 things on my wish list...
1. more money
2. a new trash can for my room
3. a new back pack
4. the ambassador scholarship for USU
6. to be able to cook REALLY well
7. a new outfit from TARGET
8. to finish school here at CSN

I TAG, Jordan- Emily- Kayla- and -Brighton


  1. Even though we have not see each other in years, you can tell we are family. We are very similar. I love all those shows too, but I don't have cable (sad for me huh?)

  2. Rory and Jess were perfect for each other! thank you for agreeing. honestly...the bad boys always need to get with a good respectable girl to straighten them up, but still keep their bad boy edge. I want Jess!


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